The Ayurveda LifeStyle


1. Are your Ayurveda services’ expenses covered by insurance?

Unfortunately no. Ayurveda is considered alternative medicine and many insurance companies do not cover such expenses.

2. Do I need to provide my medical records?

You do not need to provide your medical records. However, if there are specific details that you want to discuss, you can provide the info. Your completed health profile questionnaire will give a very thorough understanding of your current health status, your body constitution and any imbalances / disorders.

3. Why do you make house calls?

Many individuals may be physically or otherwise incapacitated to move about or drive. Additionally, they may not be able to access online consult. Hence we provide comfortable services to such individuals with house call option. Providing easy access to healthcare is important for ‘The Ayurveda LifeStyle’.

4. How long does it take to see health improvements?

The most important aspect of health improvement is your commitment to getting better. Depending on the severity of the imbalance / disorder, it can take a minimum of 4-6 weeks upto 6 months for simple to moderate imbalances. Treatments for certain disorders may take a year or more to show significant improvements. Remember, we are trying to address the root cause which may be deep seated and hence takes time for improvement and healing.

5. Do I need to stop eating meat for an ayurvedic lifestyle?

The Ayurveda LifeStyle Healing Journey established to restore balance in your health will determine the dietary needs. It takes into account your body constitution, your health profile questionnaire and reasons for your current ailments. If it is determined that moderate to high meat consumption is a major contributor to your imbalance, reducing or eliminating meat in the diet during health restoration may be required. Your dedication to following a prescribed diet and lifestyle protocol may help determine what will work best for you in the long run.

6. Does Ayurveda preach religion?

No. Ayurveda is a life science that focuses on maintaining the health of the healthy and helping those dealing with body and mind related imbalances / disorders to heal. The origins of Ayurveda are rooted in ‘Atharvaveda’, one of the primary vedas of ‘Sanatan Dharma’, but does not preach any religion.

7. What is the status of Ayurveda in the USA?

Ayurveda is considered as one of the many alternative medicinal branches. The ‘National Ayurvedic Medical Association’ represents the Ayurvedic profession in the United States of America. Their mission – ‘To preserve, protect, promote and advance the consciousness-based philosophy, knowledge, science and practice of Ayurveda for the benefit of all beings’. The purpose of the Association is to provide leadership within the Ayurvedic profession and to promote a positive vision for Ayurveda and its holistic approach to health and wellness.

8. How is Ayurveda related to Yoga?

Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences. Ayurveda deals with balancing the body and mind. Yoga deals with the union between individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness. Together, they influence each other when there’s imbalance in body, mind or consciousness. Practicing healthy dietary habits and lifestyle through Ayurveda keeps the body and mind healthy. This assists the individual in focusing on and achieving the higher consciousness through Yoga, and ultimately freedom from cycles of birth and death.

9. How does Ayurveda compare to other healing modalities?

Ayurveda is customized for every individual and does not approve of ‘one size fits all’ practice where the same medicine is given to multiple people having the same ailment or disorder. It’s all about body constitution and the same diet or herbs may not work for two individuals having the same issue. The holistic nature of Ayurveda provides an overall healing solution for a person’s body, mind and consciousness.

10. What other Ayurveda resources can i refer to?